Published in 1912 the book Early Virginia Immigrants by George Cabell Greer provides the first and last name and year of immigrations for thousands of early immigrants to Virginia. We have index the 17,400 plus names in the book in the dataset below.
“Since the publication of “Hotten’s Immigrants,” no successful effort has been made to gather together, in one volume, a list of the thousands of persons who came into Virginia during the early period of her life.
A list of the immigrants to Virginia has always been a desideratum to the genealogist. To descendants of early Virginia immigrants this work will, in many cases, offer the only opportunity to trace their” ancestry.
It will often be the means of forming the “Missing Link,” which is the genealogists’ bane.
Nearly twenty-five thousand names have been collected from the original records and arranged in alphabetical order. The search has been systematic and thorough, and every name from 1623 (when the records begin) down to 1666 has been noted, with date of appearance. It is believed that this work will be of interest to the general public and invaluable to the historian and antiquarian. George Cabell Greer.” [Source: Preface]
How to search: Enter a Surname, or partial Surname in the box below and press enter. If any matches are found a list will be presented. Simply click on the name to bring up the page in the old digital book which is hosted by Hathitrust.org.
Some names will have multiple listings (for different years) and each unique page will be shown for each with the small square boxes to the right of the name. If you hover over each square you can see the details such as year and page number. Select, or click, on the square box to bring up the page at Hathitrust.org
Alternatively, if you would like to browse the book on Hathitrust.org follow this link to the cover page. The book is arranged in alphabetical order and does not have an appendix.