Port of Entry

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Did My Ancestor Come Through Ellis Island?

While the majority of immigrants during the peak years of U.S. immigration arrived through Ellis Island (more than 1 million in 1907 alone), millions more immigrated through other American ports including Castle Garden, which served New York from 1855-1890; the New York Barge Office; Boston, MA; Baltimore, MD; Galveston, TX; and San Francisco, CA. Some of the records of these immigrant arrivals can be viewed online, while others will need to be searched through more conventional methods.

The first step to locating an immigrant arrival record is to learn the immigrant’s specific Port of Entry as well as where the immigrant records for that Port are filed. Source – ThoughtCo.com

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Feature Items

  • Entire Ellis Island Immigrant Records Now Available at FamilySearch.org
  • page 2
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  • page 5

Research Tips / Recent Items

  • How to Trace Your Ancestors- Digging Deeper NPS.gov
  • Major U.S. Immigration Ports Ancestry.com
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